Inner Convergence Therapy
“ICT” or Inner Convergence Therapy is a unique therapeutic tool developed by Tim Wheatley helping clients to radically change behaviors and emotions without reliving trauma or requiring months and even years of therapy. It also allows a freedom of dependency both emotionally and or psychologically on therapists, coaches and healers.
ICT accesses the subconscious mind via a unique collaborative process between the client and therapist, assisting the client to quickly identify their mistaken belief of self. Through this gentle process the client will identify the initial event that created the belief or trauma and then will be guided to safely and easily release the emotions associated with the event and shift the perceptions, belief and judgments about the event and the people involved. This also includes limiting and harmful beliefs the client subconsciously formed about themselves.
This leads to the client transforming mentally, emotionally and psychologically and doing so without re-experiencing or reliving trauma or pain. In a 90-minute session, a client can transform a deep-rooted issue which years of traditional therapy and counseling (Hypnosis, NLP, CBT, RET, Psychotherapy, Gestalt) failed to resolve.
ICT is a powerful therapy that can transform almost any problem with anyone, anywhere over the world and over the phone. It is completely safe and powerfully effective.
Shadow Yoga is not just a simple yoga system that you might be accustomed to. Shadow Yoga truly is what Yoga is meant to be. A complete system to work through your belief system, heal your mistaken beliefs of self and rid yourself of your negative ego voice. As with many traditional arts and sciences that are profound, beautiful, and powerful, yoga has suffered from the spiritual poverty of the modern world. Yoga has been trivialized, watered down, or reduced to a simple anxiety binding mechanism. People going to Yoga to simply feel better for 60 minutes. The deep and eternal essence of yoga has been misrepresented and lost to people who simply jump into a downward dog. At the hands of some, yoga has been reduced to the status of just another exercise program available on every street corner, almost as if it is a Starbucks. Such a haze of confusion has been created around the clear and pure concept of yoga.
Shadow Yoga was formed out of necessity to redefine yoga and clarify its meaning and purpose.
There is a Physical component of Shadow Yoga. We incorporate a form of Yoga that isn’t being taught in the Western world. The system of Yoga that we teach isn’t anything that you have experienced before. Many Yoga practitioners have experienced moments of emotions arising while in a posture. In Shadow Yoga we differ from simplistic Yoga instruction by accessing and working with these emotions as they come up, there are specific tools, resources and techniques used while in the posture to access the depths and origins of these feelings and how to fully release them and the attachments you have to them.
The mental component of Shadow Yoga truly makes a lasting shift in your awareness and understandings of your Ego, your Shadow and your true Self. A step by step approach allows you to disconnect your ego from your current identity and find the true “you”. The teachings of Shadow Yoga can’t be found anywhere else in the world. These are the most advanced teachings on healing the mistaken beliefs of self. Utilizing parts of traditional psychology, visualizations, NLP, Hypnosis all combine to create the most effect tools for working on those parts of yourself that hide in the shadows.
How long have you tried to stop those negative feelings and emotions that keep coming up for you? Most people do anything to avoid these emotions. What we do at Shadow Yoga is completely the opposite, we step into them. We do this fully! For the first time you will discover where the feelings come from and truly discover Emotional Freedom. Not by putting a pretty white light over an outhouse pretending it isn’t full of shite, but by cleaning out the negative attachments.
The depth of spiritual teachings in Shadow Yoga allow you to truly access the divine. We use various forms of spiritual tools, resources and techniques to remove all your blocks so you can access what is right in front of you. Meditations, Sanskrit Chanting, Breathwork take you to a deep spiritual connection with your personal version of the divine.
Private Sessions
If any of the following areas are problematic for you, a series of 3 x 90min “Private ICT Sessions” will change your life!
- Career management and negotiation strategies
- Personal relationships and family situations
- Communication skills and intimacy issues
- Separation and divorce issues (for couples or individuals)
- Issues of fear, risk-taking or setting boundaries
The three “Private ICT Sessions” are booked in advance at a regular schedule time. (once a week or every second week)
As your personal mentors and confidential advisers, Gina & Tim are available on an hourly or monthly basis, by phone or in person.
Individual Sessions rate: $300/ 90min session
Private ICT Sessions package $800 (3 x 90min sessions)

If you are the kind of person who wishes to accelerate your learning in specific areas, i.e. career, family, relationships, etc., or are facing life changing decisions, Gina and Tim offer private sessions or a series of 3 x 90min “Private ICT Sessions” that will change your life!
Tim Wheatley 604-600-1674 Tim@ShadowYoga.ca
Gina Leigh Solosth 604-700-4220 Gina@ShadowYoga.ca
"Time to Take the Next Step!
We are here for you."