Labour Does Want To Reduce Immigration Says Shadow Minister, Despite What Jeremy Corbyn Says
Huffington Post UK
Speaking to the BBC’s Daily Politics programme on Wednesday, Shadow Work and Pensions secretary Debbie Abrahams defended the Labour leader from accusations he had left voters confounded over the party’s stance on migration. Yesterday, Corbyn …
Jo Coburn left INFURIATED as Labour MP repeatedly dodges Corbyn wage cap topics
Shadow Defence Secretary “absolutely livid” over Jeremy Corbyn spokesman’s comments on NATO mission in eastern …~ ATAGEND
‘Fury’ over Corbyn aide’s Nato comments BBC News
Huffington Post UK
Speaking to the BBC’s Daily Politics programme on Wednesday, Shadow Work and Pensions secretary Debbie Abrahams defended the Labour leader from accusations he had left voters confounded over the party’s stance on migration. Yesterday, Corbyn …
Jo Coburn left INFURIATED as Labour MP repeatedly dodges Corbyn wage cap topics
Shadow Defence Secretary “absolutely livid” over Jeremy Corbyn spokesman’s comments on NATO mission in eastern …~ ATAGEND
‘Fury’ over Corbyn aide’s Nato comments BBC News
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